Kuli Chahal
Instructor and Founder of Chahal's Tae Kwon Do. With over 27 years experience in Tae Kwon Do as well as being a former member of the TAGB Scotland Squad.
Mr Chahal is a 6th degree international instructor and Master in Tae Kwon Do, who started training in 1995 in Wolverhampton with Grand Master Paul Donnelly who is now the area co-ordinator for Scotland.
Kiran Chahal
Assistant Instructor at Chahal's Tae Kwon Do as well as the first member of the club back in March 2005. Kiran is commited to ensuring the club runs smoothly as well as managing our social media accounts. Kiran has been training in Tae Kwon Do for 18 years and is a third degree black belt.
Karina Chahal
Karina is an assistant instructor at Chahal's Tae Kwon Do, and has been training in Tae Kwon Do for 14 years. She competes on a regular basis and regularly attends squad training, her comitment to the art doesn't go unrecognised. Karina was promoted to third degree black belt in 2020.
Karah Chahal
Karah is a class assistant at Chahal's Tae Kwon Do, and has been training in Tae Kwon Do for 12 years. Karah is committed to helping in the class especially with the Tiger's Class where her patience and perseverance is well recognised. Karah is a second degree black belt.